
Our lab is led by Professor of Biology Mark Spritzer and is composed of Middlebury College students working on projects for credit (thesis and non-thesis), paid research assistants, and volunteers. 

     Our research focuses on how hormones impact the brain an behavior, with an emphasis on the function of testosterone.  We welcome you to explore our research interests as well as current and past projects. If you wish to join our lab, please send specific inquiries to Professor Mark Spritzer: mspritze@middlebury.edu, 802-443-5676, or just stop by his office (McCardell Bicentennial Hall, Rm. 344).

Most students begin working in the Spritzer Lab as volunteers (unpaid) or research assistants (paid) prior to conducting an independent research project and/or thesis.

There are typically between 2-3 paid research assistants working in the lab during any given semester.  Research assistants work approximately 8 hours per week.  There are typically an additional 2-3 unpaid volunteers working in the lab each semester. Volunteers have more flexible hours, making it easier to work around busy course schedules. Common tasks for paid assistants and volunteers include: tissue sectioning, microscopy, behavioral testing, surgeries, and data entry.